Maine Studios
See Past Projects Here
The Maine Studios is an independent film production company based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Since its inception in 2008, the Studios has co-produced numerous, television, commercial, short and feature films including: “You Can’t Kill Stephen King” and “She Feast”.
In January of 2012, the Maine Studios was bought out by Seymore Films and is now the low budget and experimental developmental arm of Seymore Films. All Maine Studios productions are low budget projects and offer opportunities for novice and emerging filmmakers an opportunity to work on film productions.
In addition to producing independent films, The Maine Studios offers a variety of production services.
In January of 2012, the Maine Studios was bought out by Seymore Films and is now the low budget and experimental developmental arm of Seymore Films. All Maine Studios productions are low budget projects and offer opportunities for novice and emerging filmmakers an opportunity to work on film productions.
In addition to producing independent films, The Maine Studios offers a variety of production services.
Package Pricing for Low Budget Productions
Strip Board Scheduling Cast Scheduling Line Item Budgeting $3,500 Strip Board Scheduling Cast Scheduling Line Item Budgeting Business Proposal Investor Package $ 6,400
Strip Board Scheduling Cast Scheduling Line Item Budgeting Business Proposal Investor Package Assistance with Agency Attachments Legal, Sales & Production Contracts |
Ala Carte Services
*Full Production Services